Saturday, September 15, 2012

In my humble opinion Star Trek continues to become a better and better show as time goes on.  The chronological order quest continues for me, and I've now hit the point where TnG ends, DS9 gets good and Voyager begins.  Of the three, I'm actually becoming more and more inclined towards the adventures of Captain Kathryn Janeway and crew.  The pilot leaves a little something to be desired, but the shows infancy is entirely more satisfying than that of the two previous shows.  TnG had the best core cast, DS9 the most gravitas, but Voyager has a nice mix of the two and a brilliant concept that should get better as the central plots begin to emerge.  Both of the new shows have something that TnG didn't: a beautiful opening credit sequence with amazing music.  They're inviting, homey, regal, comfortable places to sit and rest a while.  I queue up an episode before bed even when I know I'm going to drift off immediately just to listen to the orchestra capture a little bit of the majesty of space.

Of the leads: Sisko matches well against Picard as a reserved, thoughtful, deeply scarred human being, and he has an amazing speaking voice that belays intelligence and wisdom.  Janeway, on the other hand, is more of a Kirk - aggressive and curious, principled and in charge.  Both are better characters than their counterparts and exude leadership and charisma in a way that is barely understandable - they're Captains, even the one that's a Commander.  I especially like that Janeway has an insane knack for engineering and constantly gets to step in and correct or fix problems aboard her own ship, never beholden to her chief engineer. They both seem well representative of properly constructed characters in the minorities of television and I wish there were more characters like them in modern shows.

That's it for now.