Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Enemy Within (the fursuit)

Notes from episode 5, "The Enemy Within":

  • This episode is an MST3K masterpiece.  There is nothing about it that isn't amazing.  
  • Dog in a fursuit.  With a unicorn horn.  And antennae.

    • The third actual alien creature ever on Star Trek.
    • This alone kept me in tears through the entire episode.
  • William Shatner acts out his good and evil side.  William Shatner forgets anything he may ever have learned about acting.

  • By sheer brilliant misfortune, just when you're tired of the dog, the strangest looking man ever to exist is the ships navigator this episode.
  • Moralizing made somewhat worse by Shatners good and evil halves being less good and evil and more "torpid" and "fucking batshit".
  • Super efficient whiskey bottles.

  • Incredibly bizarre rape sequence.
    • Spock theorizes that Kirks inner rapist is what makes him an incredible leader.
    • Spock berates Kirks non-rapist half and reminds him that if he seems insensitive in doing so, "it's just the way I am".
    • Spock tells rape victim that she must have been glad to see all of Kirks "special characteristics".
    • Spock is the worst person.
  • EVIL dog in a fursuit.
  • Evil self groping.

    I can't hate this show.  When it's good, it's good.  When it's bad, it's horrific.  Sometimes it is both in the same breath.

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