Thursday, January 12, 2012

Amok Time!

Oh god oh god this is the greatest thing.

"Amok Time" is the first episode of second season, and is called that not because time has run amok (a common occurence) but because it is the time to BE amok. By which we mean sex. All of the sex.

Since it's the first episode of second season, this means that it introduces Chekhov. The first words out of his mouth are "setting course for Wulcan".

The plot is that Spock is horny. Spock is horny and needs to sex. There are some things, as he tells Kirk, that transcend the line of duty.

The episode breaks down into three parts:
  1. Why is Spock so insane right now? (oh, he needs to be sexed)
  2. Can we keep a straight face while we get him to Vulcan to be sexed?

Part 3 consists of a fight to the death between Kirk and Spock in which Spocks opening move is to gash Kirks chest open like it is filled with delicious candy. Mind you, there isn't a problem in Star Trek that isn't solved by A) deus ex machina or B) Kirk getting into a fight and tearing his shirt, so this one seems resolved already.

Spock is so consumed by the "blood fever" (not enough air quotation marks in the world) that he kills Kirk without batting an eye, a fact that doesn't seem to damage their friendship in the slightest. In fact, this magically removes all of his reproductive urges, which has led wikipedians theorize is because the ritual itself is enough - but those of us who know our quadrants know better.

And then it all turns out all right, by means which I cannot explain without invoking the word "Auspistice" and making several penis jokes. YOU ARE SPARED. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER.

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